The first thing experts recommend is to prepare a weekly diet and not skip it. It is not a slimming diet, but a balanced meal plan to last us the whole week and, in that way, we can control the intake of calories. It is important that this plan includes all the essential nutrients: proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.
Tips to lose weight
The second piece of advice is to maintain a stable meal schedule. Eating every day at the same time and trying to eat dinner early so that the body has more time to digest the food are the two most important measures.
The maximum time for dinner should be 9 pm, since that way the body will have been able to digest before going to bed. Doing sport is also very necessary so that sedentariness does not take its toll after confinement.
The most reasonable thing is to fill the house with fruits and vegetables of a season since they are rich in fiber and antioxidants. That fiber will help us feel full after each meal so that we don't snack between meals. And by eating those products we will be leaving aside the processed ones that are easier to cook, but much less healthy.
For the fourth trick to lose weight, replace refined cereals with whole grains: white bread, flour, or sweets not only do not help our body, but they are products full of unhealthy carbohydrates. Adding whole-grain products and complex carbohydrates to the diet will help us lose weight in the long run.
It is also very important to eat healthy between meals. Visiting the refrigerator every few hours is not a good idea and, if you do, you should be careful about what you choose. Nuts, seeds, or natural fruits are the best choices for these cases since chocolates or fried snacks are high in calories and are the opposite of what we need.
Quarantine weight loss is possible
Nutritionists recommend eating foods rich in protein and fiber on these occasions. The reason is that they will help us feel full and thus avoid the pantry visits we referred to earlier. A complete breakfast will help us get to the food; lunch with a lot of protein will avoid snacking in the middle of the afternoon, etc.
It is also important to reduce portion sizes. It is not a matter of going hungry, but of eating rationally: eating from smaller plates helps not to put too much food on them, so we eat less. Several studies have shown that 10 to 20 percent smaller portions were assimilable by most people and gave good long-term benefits. The eighth and final tip for avoiding excess alcohol. No one says you can't have a beer once in a while or open a bottle of wine on the weekend or on a special date. But getting used to drinking two or three beers taking advantage of the 8 o'clock applause time is not the best way to lose weight right now.
Eating a balanced diet with all the necessary nutrients is vital not to gain weight during the quarantine. With these eight tips to lose weight during quarantine, losing weight during the time of confinement is possible. If we add to these tips other traditional ones such as drinking two liters of water daily and doing sports on a regular basis, reaching the end of the state of the alarm without having taken on extra kilos will be a possibility within the reach of those who propose it.